Featured Supplier shall have a personalized, virtual Store Front on the Marketplace.
His Company Profile and Logo shall be displayed on a uniquely searchable Featured Store page on the Marketplace.
Featured Supplier can Invite trading partners and buyers to his virtual Store Front.
Buyers can Search the Store Front by Name, Product, Home and Destination.
Buyers can buy from any Featured Store by creating a customized RFQ (Request for Quotation/Request for Offer) for any Product.
Such RFQ / Lead shall be displayed as a searchable Direct RFQ on the Supplier’s RFQ page.
Featured Supplier can make any number of targeted Offers/Bids to the Buyer RFQ.
He shall get to know his current competitive Bid-Rank to enable him to re-assess his Bid.
The Bids remain displayed to the respective Buyer’s Bid Page based on the validity set by the Featured Supplier. Buyers can negotiate on the Offers / Bids and buy.
100% Platform Service charges (including 100% Payment Gateway charges) will be waived off for all Trade transactions conducted through the Store Front route.